Tuesday, June 23, 2009

why am i even answering stuff like this? hahaha

Who`s your crush?
-- *cough*

When`s the last time you saw him/her?
-- june 20, around 5:15 pm >< addik hahahaha

Are you neighbors?
-- not really. i don't even know where he lives lol

Do you know his/her mobile number?
-- oh yeah :D

How about landline?
-- yes. but wait! i don't STALK okay? O_O i just know it...

Do you know where your crush lives?
-- no, although i know the jeep that MAYBE goes there :D

Does your crush even know you?
-- of course i exist and my existance is WAY too awesome not to be noticed so yeah, he knows me :D

How did you first meet?
-- seatmate for a whole month in the review class *wink* (i got lucky ><)

Do you think your crush likes you back?
-- maybe *shrug* i'd LIKE to hold on to some hope but naaaaaaah. i mean, i think it's also normal for him to be nice to girls all the time *rolls eyes*

What song reminds you of him/her?
-- love bug ><

Do you think you`re already inlove?
-- not as of the moment. i know it'll sound all old fashioned and shit, but honestly, i think love today's somewhat distorted so if i say i'm in love with him, i've put the notion of having a crush on him in a totally different level and it's like putting me a notch lower in the self-dignity scale.

Do your friends know about this?
-- oh i BET they do. i bet they even know more that what i know O_O

Is your crush your bestfriend?
-- no, not really :D but he's awesome, tell you that.

Do you talk to a family member about this?
-- i was forced to spill O_O

Was your crush once a part of your dream?
-- you know what, i don't actually remember if he already crossed my dream thereshhold O_O whatever. it's not important anyway.

Do you fantasize about him/her?
-- not really O_O that's... i dunno... i think it's a waste of time *sweat drop*

How old is s/he?
-- my age :D

Where does s/he study?
-- uh... where...? uh... LSM i think :D

Is s/he a heartbreaker?
-- it's more of like he's the one who gets heartbroken lol (that's what i've heard but i CAN be wrong)

Do you have something in common?
-- oh gee... i dunno O_O i seriuosly do NOT know.

Are you somehow related to him/her?
-- the title 'classmate for one summer' :D

What would you say if s/he told you s/he likes you back?
-- 'errr... that's great :D'


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