Sunday, July 13, 2008

once upon a sunday...

okay, so here i am now, typing cause of boredom once again. i mean, i don't want to go home yet because there are people fixing the roof (cause it's old) and the noise they make is so damn annoying. i don't actually need to study right now because i think i've gotten a few things down right, for once. the projects can wait and i think i'm pretty much set for tomorrow. i'm not over confident though ><

but really, besides writing for school and for this blog, i haven't written anything of value. sure, the idea's right there in my head but i can't write it down. it's either i can't or i don't have the time to. everything's been really hectic and you can't avoid having a conversation without the word 'prject' or 'homework' to anyone right now.

but i simply enjoy school. how... ironic... it's really contrasting ><

i'm still stuck in looking for the book entitled 'the great gatsby' by Fitzgerald. it really is hard to find and i've been to 5 bookstores already. i won't count fully booked because they just priced the book way too much. as for the other book, i'll have to wait until my cousing says something...

which would take a pretty long time.

other projects to do :

> CL compilation
>THE poster
>MUSIC (just have to wait until tomorrow to finish it)
>WORLD HIS. (for the two paged explanation)
>FIL/CHEM scrapbook

lol, i actually have a lot of things to do ><


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