Wednesday, May 7, 2008


(I can’t hear myself think cause of my brother’s screaming… O_O)

all I know is that the first ending theme of bokura ga ita is playing in my mind… oh wait, he stopped nagging me HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. But seriously, aishiteru by mi is starting to play again and again. I dunno. It’s fun to listen to it :P

the way I live… I’m actually thinking of reinventing myself, for the better. How many times have I thought about this? About a million times I guess. I can’t think of one thing that’ll hold me back, but I can’t just seem to start. The ‘after 6 diet’ was a failure on me (thanks to my parents who insisted on eating dinner) and cleaning out my room seems a hard task in the middle of summer. I mean, I DO want to clean out my room but I’ll have to suffer a heat stroke or something. Yeah… So you could now imagine what a potato couch I’ve turned out to be >< (fat and useless much? Yeah~) my room’ filled with piles and piles of paper and books! Hahahahaha. I even have those from last year mixed with the new ones :P hahahaha

what else? I’m trying to get my mom to go with me for a haircut. Tarantella by A. Pieczonka is a dream to play but I’ll still get it. Twinkle is, by far, the best and adorable lopsided little creature I’ve ever invented. I’m still working on the design for my dress… a lot of things to do >< oh, and cover uncovered books! :P I still have about 5 yet to cover but I’m still not moving.

Maybe the only thing decent I’ve done this past summer is go to SEP. oh and study for a bit. Yeah… when I tell people I’m studying, they’re like ‘what for? Why?’ O_O okay. Cause I WANT to. I want to prove that I’m not some stupid little brat, as some people picture me to be. Oh yeah sure, I can be a brat but that’s not totally me. Plus, I really wanna try hard this year. The aim? About a grade of 90, just to be sure. Now, it’s not enough that I pass. It was fine before but not now.


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