Friday, March 14, 2008

first day of freedom (reminiscing yesterday)

sure, i've always thought the school year would NEVER end but here i am, officially out of school and on my way to junior year. it's over. OVER. summer's about to start.

yesterday, i had to admit, was REALLY long. i mean, the dread of failing exams somewhat plagued me. a-his was somewhat... admittedly, i was hating the exam for what it was cause most of what i memorized wasn't there. Cl... well dammit! mrs. kupang didn't even put the bible verses we all tried in VAIN to memorize. stat was fun cause we had a 25 point bonus (ms didn't teach us the problem solving part and the rules of something something). bio was a pain. a REAL pain. i have no idea if i'll eventually survive it.

that was it! XD during lunch, me, kate, shaniqua and kitty bonded for the last time near the once- worm infected chair. we eventually decided to ask tita beng what the personality paper was all about. i guess our little gift (going insane from torture) brigade has finally found it's tagline : WE DON'T CARE!

with exams finished, we were about to treck towards the faculty when ms. caught us and said we had to get back to the classroom. had out goodbye speeches, took last class pictures (kate as our photographer) and out.

shaniqua tripped on the stairs cause of kitty's skirt. i don't know in what condition her leg is (it had a nice little cut yesterday) right now, but i hope it's better.

fact : now there are three different bloodstains on my hanky. nice. (of course i wash them away... right?)

took pictures (they're all in my multiply acct) and that concluded my day.

now i guess it's time to pack my little bag and start my vacation properly XD


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